Tuesday, 5 December 2017

How to attach the Start time of a Call in Genesys Routing strategy

It’s a good idea to have the start time of a call as attach data travel with the call for any further treatment or decision making.
For this example, we will be using three variables


Routing strategy blocks will look like this

Let’s Start assigning values to the variables Date and Time
For Date there is an inbuilt function that returns date in the Format MM/DD/YYYY

Similarly lets assign value to the Time variable, there is an inbuilt function for this as well.
Format for time is in 24 hour format hh:mm


The last block is to concatenate the date and time into one, this puts us at ease if we are interacting with external systems or database.


The code for Concatenation is :

Cat[_date,' ',_time]

Looking at the logs we can see the variable _startTime has the value of both Date and Time as intended.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Genesys Interaction Routing Designer – Using IRD with parameterized Stored Procedure

There comes a time when the Standard DB dips and query just isn’t enough and one requires to pass parameters to a Stored Procedure and get parameters as output.

Although the basic scenario of using a stored procedure is covered well in the Genesys Support Website but I my thoughts were getting multiple return parameters would be useful to know.

For this Post I will use the Scenario: a stored procedure that takes Email Address, NRIC and Phone Number as input in order to identify the customer and return the first and the last name, which can then be attached to User Data to be displayed on Workspace’s Case Data.

I will be using Genesys Framework 8.x and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 for this scenario.

Let’s start with creating a table and a stored procedure in SQL Server

SQL Server

Script for Table

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[newCustomer](
 [custID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [Salutation] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
 [FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [NRICorPassport] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
 [Address] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
 [DataofBirth] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
 [Telephone] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
 [Email] [nvarchar](80) NULL,
 [SecurityQuestion] [nvarchar](max) NULL,



Script for Stored Procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_getFullName @NRIC nvarchar(30) = NULL, @PNo nvarchar(30) = NULL, @Email nvarchar(150) = NULL, @FName nvarchar(150) Output, @LName nvarchar(150) Output
SELECT @FName = FirstName, @LName = LastName
FROM newCustomer
WHERE NRICorPassport = @NRIC OR Telephone = @PNo or Email = @Email

Interaction Routing Designer (IRD)

Now the SQL part is completed, Let’s move to the Genesys IRD portion
Before we start the Genesys portion, Please ensure you have a valid DAP that points to the your database and the connection of the DAP in the Connections TAB of IRD Application and URS.

Input and Output Variables

Starting the Database Wizard, Select the DB Access Point
and in the “data access expression” Select Procedure

Enter the Name of the Stored Procedure and all input and output parameters

You can choose to Assign the value to a Variable or Attach the output as User Data to the call.
We will be Assigning the output to Variables.
Select “Assign each value to a variable when the output is a string of values ….”


Last but not the least step of the Database Wizard is the specify the “Separator” (since out output is being return as a string and the Variables to assign the values to.


Once we have the value in Variables, we can attach those value to User Data and later use.


Output on Workspace

As seen below the two output parameters we received from the stored procedure

Genesys Workspace Case Information

Log Analysis / Points of Interest

1- “Here is XDATA” This is the start of Database Block
2- The Actual Details being passed to SQL Server can be seen i.e. the name of stored procedure and all of the input and output parameters.
3- Output Parameters returned by the SQL Server
4- Assignment of the variables

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

VBScript to rename file

There are many VBScript to rename file available online. This script is a simple version that will rename file in a directory removing a specific sub string from a filename

Example if you have filename e.g 


Desired output is (with _US removed)


Change Line 13 to your directory containing the files 
Change Sub String in Line 26

Code Snippet 

2:  ' -------------------------------------------------------'  
3:  ' VBScript to Rename files, remove the last specfic sub string file a filename  
4:  ' example if file names are like 001_US, 002_US, 003_US the sub string "_US" can be removed using this script  
5:  ' NOTE: Its always good to have a backup before hand.  
6:  ' Date : 31 May 2017  
7:  ' Author : Muhammad Nauman Yousuf (nauman_yousuf@yahoo.com)  
8:  ' -------------------------------------------------------'  
11:  ' Variable declaration and initialization   
12:   Dim oFS : Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
13:   Dim sDir : sDir   = "c:\temp\one"  
14:   Dim oFile  
17:   'List the orignal Files  
18:   WScript.Echo " --- Orgnal File Directory --- "  
19:   For Each oFile In oFS.GetFolder(sDir).Files  
20:     WScript.Echo oFile.Path  
21:   Next  
23:   WScript.Echo "----- Rename Operation Started:"  
25:   For Each oFile In oFS.GetFolder(sDir).Files  
26:            oFile.Name = Replace(oFile.Name, "_US", "")  
27:            WScript.Echo "Renamed : " & oFile.Name  
28:   Next  
29:   WScript.Echo "----- Rename Operation Completed:"  
32:   'List the orignal Files  
33:   WScript.Echo " --- Final Directory List --- "  
34:   For Each oFile In oFS.GetFolder(sDir).Files  
35:     WScript.Echo oFile.Path  
36:   Next  

Sample Run




Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 2012

Installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 2012
Installing .NET Framework is a bit different from the standard way like other Roles or Features are installed.

Following is the command
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:d:\sources\sxs

Command Parameters:
/Online targets the operating system you're running (instead of an offline Windows image).
/Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 specifies that you want to enable the .NET Framework 3.5.
/All enables all parent features of the .NET Framework 3.5.
/LimitAccess prevents DISM from contacting Windows Update.
/Source specifies the location of the files needed to restore the feature (example, the D:\sources\sxs directory or a network location using \\ we will be using network location in the example below).
